Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Original Gangsta Chips

I had never seen Onion & Garlic Potato Chips before, but these things are the O.G. (and Fuckin cool).  They don't taste that great but the garlic in them saves the day because it will keep vampires away; although they do give you terrible breath.  The big thing here is they are anti-vampire.  This fad of vampire movies and TV shows is horrible any man that watches True Blood with Snookie, Suck ME or whatever that bitch's name is, is either A gay or horribly whipped. And lets not even start with those Twilight movies with Team Jacob.  Team Jacob should only be used in reference to LOST.  Jacob was bad ass in LOST. So the moral of the story here is Onion & Garlic Chips may give you bad breath (but who cares you would never eat these things sober), but they will keep vampires away and you will be safe from True blood butt seks, and Guys who watch these new vampire shows are Fuuuuuuckin-Cool.

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