Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wyld Stallyn Rules!!

NORTHBRIDGE —  Benjamin **** developed his love of history and politics in his formative years in high school when he happened upon the Internet site, Wikipedia.
Next thing you're going to tell me is that he discovered that crazy internet site called google.
There, he obsessively read anything and everything he could find on current events and politics (I hope it did't ruin his volleyball career.), and later became fascinated with 24-hour news channels.
You know he could just watch CNN and get the news from reporters that are obliged to give you true facts not wikipedia where people with IQ's south of Vince Young write the news. 

And now, the 18-year-old freshman at Calvin College in Michigan is studying history and social studies in the hope of inspiring future students to become better citizens, not just of America, but of the world.

Just like Mr. Feeney from Boy Meets World. I assume he was a History Teacher although Wikipedia doesn't mention it.

“I just find history fascinating for understanding the world as it is today,” Mr. **** said. “I think we need an understanding of history to be good citizens.”
World Peace in 4 years, you heard it here first, this kid is going to teach the Taliban all nice and well.

Mr. ****, the son of Deborah R. ****, received the 2010 Academic Achievement Award, part of the Telegram & Gazette’s Visions Community Awards program.

The Academic Achievement Award is given to a high school senior who has been chosen by his or her school as a Telegram & Gazette Student Achiever. The winner, selected through an essay contest, receives a cash scholarship of $2,500.

Mr. **** will be honored, along with four other Visions Award winners, at a public ceremony at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 9 in Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester.

As a high school student at Whitinsville Christian School, Mr. **** would spend time after school discussing current events, politics and history with his teachers.
And obviously slaying pussy.

“He is naturally inquisitive and has an appreciation for all things academic,” Beth K. *******, his guidance counselor at the Whitinsville Christian School, said. “He was never satisfied with a pat answer; he was always looking for the exception.”
Sounds like if he was in an 80's movie getting wedgies would also be his thing!

In 2005, Mr. **** faced a challenge many people don’t at such a young age: the death of his father, Robert Douglas ****.
Ok. Now this is where it gets dicey for me, I feel bad for mocking this kid he is just nerdy and loves himself some history. So here it goes this kid is going to grow up to be a cocksmith of epic proportions, and not only will he teach History he will make Fuckin History. He is a modern day Bill and Ted wrapped up in one man - BOOM!!!

1 comment:

  1. "Calvin is the distinctively Christian, academically excellent liberal arts college that shapes minds for intentional participation in the renewal of all things."
    --- Calvin College Website

    Tell me this school is F N Cool?
