Thursday, January 27, 2011

It feels like warm cherry pie

So looking through good old I rolled across this bad boy; apparently it's a cupcake with a mini cherry pie baked into the middle. Why are we combining pie and cake aren't they competing desserts, you wouldn't combine hamburgers and hot dogs into one vessel (that's barbeque suicide), or would you?
But the real story here is that when this thing is opened up my first thought, and let me borrow a quote here, is "get it off me" if that does not look like a scary, period vagina that will bite yo dick off then I have never seen a scary, period vagina. Even the commenters sort of agree with me, check this exchange between Leah and Jim (who would comment on this stuff? although I am writing a blog on it now who's fuuuuuckin cool now):
 Leah says:
Maybe I’m still waking up, but this kind of looks like a frosted vagina.
I respect Jim there great response; he is letting the sluts of this is why you're fat know that yes he is a purveyor of the cunnilingus. Jim you are fuuuuckin cool in my book keep it up. Get dem fat hoes - MAN'S GOTTA EAT!

1 comment:

  1. Black girl, busted ravioli, red wings... that would be three firsts for this guy.
